High School Football Goals with 72″ Setback

Heavy-duty gooseneck football goalposts are truly built to last. Made by Bison, Inc.



The last football goalposts you'll ever need to buy, Bison's heavy-duty gooseneck football goalposts are truly built to last. The gooseneck support structure is made with 5-9/16-inch O.D. schedule 40 steel pipe. It features a 4.5-inch steel tube crossbar and 20-foot long, 2-3/8-inch diameter aluminum uprights. The entire structure is protected with a durable powdercoated finish available in white or safety yellow. Bison's exclusive PerfectGoal is designed for precise vertical and horizontal alignment and uncommon ease of installation. Sold in pairs. Consult with your SNA Sports rep for other goalpost packages and added options, such as wind streamers and goalpost padding.