Master Coaches Championship Skills Series

Don’t miss this opportunity to spend the day with expert coaches in the Master Coaches, Championship Skills Series. The event is on December 7 in Battle Creek, MI at Kellogg Community College. Space is limited so sign up now! The event will also feature SNA’s Edge volleyball system – the strongest, lightest all-carbon telescoping volleyball net system on the market today. The day will include:
- Technique & Progressions: 6 Essential Skills
- Strategies: Serving, Attacking and Defensive Systems
- Systems: Blocking, Passing and Offensive Strategies
- Advanced Methods: Individual & Small Group Training
- Intro to BYOP®/GKYS™ Certification (7Under and 8Up)
- Lunch with a Coach
- Demonstration: Model Team Practice
- Select 3 of 6 On-Court Active Participation Sessions
- Q & A with Coaches
Master Coaches: Mick Haley, Brian Gimmillaro, Ruth N. Nelson
Battle Creek Guest Coaches: Joel Walton, Ball State; Kyle Shondell, Indiana Tech; Heather Sawyer, Lakeview HS; Pete Hanson, Former Ohio State; Arnie Ball, IPFW; Lloy Ball, 4X Olympian