Happy National Basketball Day

A full day dedicated to basketball.
What a dream. In 1891, the game we all have come to know and love was first invented. It started simply as a way to keep students engaged during the winter months at a YMCA. A physical education teacher, James Naismith, nailed two peach baskets to the balcony at either end of the gymnasium and the rest, as they say, is history.
Almost 160 years later, we’ve come a long way from nailed peach baskets—and our Legacy models are State of the Art. Celebrate this year’s National Basketball Day with the most legendary goal in the game.
In honor of National Basketball Day, we’re running a Portable Upgrade Program Sale. If your program is due for replacement of old portables, we’re offering sales on our Legacy 8, Legacy 10, and Clubmaster 8 models. To take advantage of this offer, you must place your order by February 15, 2021. Call Jim Peterson at (800) 823-0182 for details.