The Volleyball Net You Need for Summer

A net that keeps you in the game.
The dog days of summer are upon us. The temperature keeps rising, the indoor A/C is fighting to keep up, and your players probably dread outdoor practice.
There’s not much we can do about the weather, but we can guarantee that our indoor/outdoor Kevlar net is ready for the sweltering July heat.
As a traditionally designed net, the Kevlar is compatible with almost any net system on the market. Its strong, durable design is made to last through gameplay on any court, for years to come. To learn more about the Kevlar net, click the video below.
SNA‘s Kevlar® Volleyball Net is made with extra strong #36 nylon flexabar-treated netting with white herculite top and bottom bindings and nylon tie cords. Kevlar® top rope and braided nylon bottom rope is 45-feet long.